
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Fixie Bike


Fixie bike synonymous with minimalist style, cheap, and not complicated. Fixie bike has no brakes, the pedal continues to turn over. This bike was a trend among the young to the workers. Using a bicycle not only as a means of transportaion, but for the lifestyle.

How it Works

Fixie bike synonymous with bicycle without brakes, without dynamic rear gear. All made fix, the wheels spin the pedals go round. Fixie bike brake with just only relying on strength to with stand the rate or push the pedal to the back and assisted from the front wheels.
Fixie bike tires too thin, so light when in drive. Fixie bike handlebar made with perpendicular. Minimalist design characterize this single speed bike.

How to Build it

There are 2 options

Buy finished, save time and energy. This option is good for those who do not have a bike or frame and dosent want to be bothered. The price is relatvely more expensive but generally higher quality components.

Assemble or modification of the former bike
Buy from a blank frame has been sold, or you can shoose a plain frame and paint itself. You can also use the old racing bike frame. Components of the wheels removed and replaced with a simple Fixi Bike components.

Are you interest to build Fixie bike?

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